
New start

As Seventh Day Adventists, we want to honour God’s plan for our physical, mental, ans spiritual health. The NEW START program encourages a lifestyle based on eight fundamental principles : Nutrition, Exercice, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust.




Nutrition is the base of our physical health and recovery. A plant-based diet is scientiffically proved to be the best for your cells to naturally thrive and repair.




Exercice plays a key rôle in our physical, and mental health. We are recommended to move and exercice the bodies God gave us in order to achieve this better health





This element is essential to our bodies, inside and out. Knowing when and how to drink water in important, as well as using it externaly to stimulate and repair.







The light the sun provides has many health benefits and plays a major rôle for the body metabolism and hormonal balance. Getting this energy daily is vital.





Using good things in moderation, and avoid the bad things is also one of the pillar of this lifestyle.

It is something we constantly have to look for, in every aspect of our life.




The first element vital to our survival. The quality of the air we breath and how we breath can have major impact on our health : better mood, more energy, and a sense of well-being.





Weither it be sleeping or just taking a break from our activities, it allows our body and mind to reset.





Trust in Divine power is directly linked to our physical health (proverbs 3:5-6). Trust in God is a gift leading to right life choices.




The Weimar Institute offers programs, coaching and learning with health professionnals that you can participate to directly on their campus, or online. 

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We are an English-speaking, multicultural Seventh-Day Adventist church family based in the heart of Paris France.